Archives of Clinical Microbiology

  • ISSN: 1989-8436
  • H-Index der Zeitschrift: 22
  • Zitierbewertung der Zeitschrift: 7.55
  • Journal-Impact-Faktor: 6.38
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Volumen 8, Ausgabe 5 (2017)


Detection of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Biliary System in Egyptian Patients with Calcular Obstructive Jaundice

  • Aml El-Sayed Abdou, Ahmed Mora, Abbas Mohamed Abbas, Mohamed Sayed Hassan, Hala M. Ali and Ahmed Fayed


Investigation of the Efficacy of Synthesized Silver and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles against Multi-Drug Resistant Gram Negative Bacterial Clinical Isolates

  • Maha Abd El Fattah K, Nanis Gamal A, Fatma Ibrahim S, Gamal Mohamed ELM, Perihan Saleh A


Ocular Parasitosis: A Report of Two Contrasting Cases.

  • Nagaraja HR, Deshmukh A, Shivanna Y, Thungappa KS, Rohit S