Zeitschrift für Universalchirurgie

  • ISSN: 2254-6758
  • H-Index der Zeitschrift: 8
  • Zitierbewertung der Zeitschrift: 1.33
  • Journal-Impact-Faktor: 1.34
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The New Normal: Medical Training through 360° Virtual Realities in the Times of COVID-19 and Beyond

Scott Robinson

Virtual Reality (VR) introduces instructions, procedures, and protocols that will be the new normal for medical training & education. The pace of change in medical practice is relentless. The complex needs of an ageing population, the range of treatment options available, the inter-professional nature of care and the complexity of healthcare systems themselves are vastly different today than they were 20 years ago. As such, how we prepare future clinicians for practice has had to adapt. It is no longer a question of whether an individual can retain or access facts, but how they use them, evaluate them and apply them to patient care.

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