Gesundheitswissenschaftliches Journal

  • ISSN: 1108-7366
  • H-Index der Zeitschrift: 51
  • Zitierbewertung der Zeitschrift: 10.69
  • Journal-Impact-Faktor: 9.13
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Volumen 15, Ausgabe 6 (2021)


Potential Health Effects due to Exposure of Criteria Air Pollutants

  • Chaitanya P, Upadhyay E, Singh DD and Singh V


Intestinal Parasitic Infection Among Pregnant Women in Ethiopia: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

  • Musa Mohammed Ali, Mulugeta Mengistu Mengesha and Siraj Hussen

Brief an den Herausgeber

Genom and Gene Mutation of SARS-CoV-2

  • Edy Parwanto


Alternate Method of Scoring Euroqol Five-Dimensional Sca

  • Satyendra Nath Chakrabartty


The Influence of Aerobic Fasting on the Body Composition of Trained Individuals: a Mini Review

  • Matheus Santos de Sousa Fernandes, and Gabriela Carvalho Jurema Santos


Cardiovascular System and SARS-COV-2 – Etiology, Physiopathology and Clinical Presentation: a Systematic Review

  • Lucas de Alencar Viana Melo, Wantuil Matias Neto and Modesto Leite Rolim Neto